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Happy nails alvesta


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Only grave 520 contained 12 posament pieces and grave 561 6 pieces. Silver was only found in the spun version I am still looking for somebody providing this highly delicate material! Appendix D A list of the sources and why they were useful is at the end of this documentation.

Pictorial archive of decorative Renaissance woodcuts. Settling in sunny Southern California, the Huynhs were ready for a fresh start but unsure of where to begin. Pin this paper to a section of drop-ceiling tile, a fabric bold board or a piece of heavy corrugated cardboard.

Furniture - There are 17,000 Sami formerly called Laplanders in Sweden today.

In the SCA that medieval hobby thing I do there is Arts and Science competitions - where you can present something you have recreated of the medieval time be it embroidery, some kind of food dish, calligraphy, etc. I haven't done a lot of the competitions since I don't do so well with criticism and I didn't ever feel like I could submit something unless it was my best thing that I had put blood sweat and tears into and I couldn't bear to have that torn to pieces by other people. Especially if it's something I've researched a lot on and the person judging it doesn't know very much about it. Then it came to me - I'd enter stuff that was a bit more obscure, something that most people don't do but that I think is fun and want to share the fun of it. This made it possible for me to share something that isn't finished and a lot of times not get a ton of criticism, or if I did get criticism I could brush it off easier since it was just something for fun. The first thing I did with this was a pink faux fur edged viking coat - that was completely period! I'll have to do a separate blog entry on that I think. Sure enough, the judges were very surprised to see my documentation and research and thought it was fun. For some it's a 4 letter word and for me it was at first. One of the biggest reasons for this is I learned how to do research in college and I confused research with documentation. All that cool research - like the proof of Vikings making faux fur - you can add as an appendix and if the judges want to see it they can but they don't have to see it to understand what you made. I was very happy to hear that the judges all wanted to see my appendix with the faux fur - since in a lot of ways that's what I want to share even more than my own made entry. Describe the region and date I might see one in the Middle Ages. Do you have any pictures or photocopies of ones from the Middle Ages? Example: Amman, Jost, 1539-1591. Pictorial archive of decorative Renaissance woodcuts. I found a period picture showing details of how parchment was prepared. What did you use to make your entry? What were the ones in the Middle Ages made of? What steps and tools did you use to make it? Example Tools: While a medieval garment would be hand sewn, I chose to use a sewing machine OPTIONAL: 10. What do you like best about your entry? What would you like to change if you could? I used this outline for the latest entry I did and was very excited to present my entry. Of course, events can get a bit busy with all the other activities so I thought I'd share it here so I could easily share it with those who didn't get to see it. Plus, it is something fun and cool that I think is fun to share. So here we go! Basically they are like Celtic knotwork done in gold wire. Posaments have been found in Viking graves including Birka, Uppland, and Hedeby contained posaments, the most being found at Birka. Most of the findings were in male graves and appear to have decorated headbands, hats, or purses based on location but there have also been small ornamental pieces found at the end of stings or as standalone pieces that could have been used like sequins. The posaments came in different types including borders, small knots used like sequins, and three dimensional decorative knots such as the Turk's head knot. I was unable to find any information about how to make these other than the idea of them being braided and or knotted so I observed the extant pieces as well as replicas made by other people Appendix A All of the information I found about posaments was from online and the majority of the sites were in another language which made research a bit difficult. I did find a wonderful handout in English by Meisterinne Katheryn Hebenstreitz Annika Madejska and some wonderful information from Rieke who does many posament reconstructions both replicating the extant finds and designs inspired by them. Appendix B It was also helpful to find out that modern day Sami jewelry, a Swedish art made by the indigenous Sami people is the same kind of technique and is believed to have been brought to the Sami by the Vikings. Appendix D A list of the sources and why they were useful is at the end of this documentation. To make the posaments, I used gold dmc floss, gold 28 gage bead wire, and silver 24 gage craft wire. The original posaments were made with real gold thread and spun silver which was silver thread wound around a silk core. My research says that the posaments were worked completely by hand without any tools but I felt it would be best to attach the wire to something to give it stability so my first piece labeled A was made by folding the wire in half to make a loop and clipping the loop to a chair. Having a lot of experience in hair braiding I believed it would be easy to braid the thin gold wire and that I could make the posaments quickly. I found out quickly that braiding in the way I do hair did not achieve the desired look in any way and the thin 28 gage wire was a bit delicate. So I tried out the knotted design that I had found a tutorial for. I was not able to get the dmc floss to work for some of the other designs, mostly only the knotted design. In trying out some of the other designs and having a difficult time I endeavored to use some tools mainly a bent flat nose pliers but I also tried to make a jig with small nails hammered into a piece of wood. In trying to get uniformity I did a combination of using the nails on the jig and just holding the other pieces in my hands and using the pliers. These smaller pieces labeled D were made without any instruction, just simply by viewing pictures of the extant and recreated pieces and trying to stumble my way through them. I have had a little bit of experience with jewelry making and wire work but was not prepared for how hard this would be and most of the pieces were undone and redone as I figured out how some of the designs worked. Most of the pieces I hammered a bit with a wooden hammer on the wood side of jig I made hence the dents since I had heard that helps to strengthen wire pieces and to help smooth them out. All of these samples are beginner pieces as I am just starting to learn how to make them. I am happy with some of the pieces when seen from a distance but I am also pleased with what I was able to come up with considering the lack of available research. If I could change anything I would want to use thicker wire and try out some other decorative knots that have tutorials online and in books. I would also want to make some finished pieces that were smoother and more refined which would come with more practice. October 11, 2009 First Viewed April 2013, last viewed November 7, 2013 This is the site that introduced me to posaments. Rieke has a wonderful article telling about the history of posaments and showing some extant pieces but I was mostly inspired by her reproductions which helped me to see what posaments are supposed to look like and inspired me to try my own. The loops and twists were carefully tightend by hand to reach the extreme filigrane results. It is hard to make a difference between knots and braids. Some troves show only one or the other, others contain a mix of both which also contributes to the difficulty of a correct wording. The material that was mainly used was straigth golden thread, very little spiral gold and only very rare spun gold. Silver was only found in the spun version I am still looking for somebody providing this highly delicate material! In most cases two parallel threads were found but there also exists some work with three or more threads Different types of posaments: 1. Continuous borders oder braided strings that were fixed on top of the textile. Border decorations that were sewed on to the end of a textile. Decorative little knots, sewed on like sequins 4 Flat objects that were found at the end of slim silk strings; 5 Three-dimensional knots that were also placed at the end of silk bands or strings like in 4 Pictures can be found in the The archeological troves The different knots and braids were found in 9 burned graves. One of these is a female incremation with two posament troves. Only one other burned grave with unknown gender contains two troves in one grave. The other unidentified graves contain each one braid and one knot, likewise the two graves that were identified as male incremations. Also the graves with bodies only provide one female grave with posament troves Grab 557 that contained 8 pieces. Only 6 male graves with bodies contained knots or braids. Only grave 520 contained 12 posament pieces and grave 561 6 pieces. Additionally grave 886 must be mentioned with one braid and one knot. The braided and knoted borders are not much more numerous, 11 troves were found in as male identified graves with bodies, thee troves were counted in not identified burned graves. Only grave 798 contained 2 different braided and knoted borders, in all other graves it could only be detected one or the other. Out of the 29 graves with posament troves only the ones with remaining bodies contained the braided and knoted borders. In only five out of 29 graves were found both knots and braids in one grave. Having in mind the high number of over 1100 graves in Birka the amount ouf posament troves can be stated as very little. Leaving the archeological site of Birka there is very little evidence of other identical posaments at that time. I only know of the following troves: - One cremated grave in Kirchspiel Aringsas, Alvesta, Värendsgatan; Smaland SHM Inventar Nr. Geijer as knot identified object. As a result of this little summary it can be stated that posament troves were equally often found in Birka of the 9th and the 10th century. Posaments were mainly used as a male decoration or better as textile ornaments on man's clothing. That the cremated graves were richer than the graves with remaining bodies can only be assumed. Geijer was leading this archeological site, Lit. I missed the picture the first few times I flipped through Cloth and Clothing in Medieval Europe. It showed a section of a man's coat from Birka Norse, approx. On close examination, I discovered that the trim was composed of silver spiral wire arranged in decorative knots in a cross pattern. The resulting trim was stitched to a strip of silk and then to the garment fabric, which allowed the trim to be removed from the garment and reused with little difficulty. This technique has all kinds of possibilities for making period and yet simple and affordable trim. Below are directions for making the 'Josephine's knot' fig. Since spiral silver wire is hard to find, you can use linen, wool or silk-like cord. There is also a metallic cord with wire inside that is carried by some craft shops. It is more brittle than pure silver or gold wire would be, so keep that in mind. Try to get your knots the same size and evenly spaced. The best way to do this is to plot lines for the connecting cords fig. Pin this paper to a section of drop-ceiling tile, a fabric bold board or a piece of heavy corrugated cardboard. Pin your knots to the paper pattern as you work to keep the pattern even. Sami People with a 10,000 year old history live in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula in Russia and lived on the land before the rest of the Scandinavians arrived. There are 17,000 Sami formerly called Laplanders in Sweden today. Approximately 3,000 own herds, sometimes with thousands of domesticated reindeer caribou , and reindeer husbandry is their livelihood. Only Sami can own reindeer in Sweden so we support the small indigenous Sami People by buying products made of traditional Sami materials like reindeer leather and reindeer antler. Their unique craft items are admired and sought after worldwide. Sami embroidery with pewter wire on reindeer leather and fabric has been done for hundreds of years in the Sami culture, and Sami actually invented the spun pewter wire. In the old days, they melted tin to make the wire and then spun it around reindeer sinew entirely by hand. Today, the wires are spun on a small machine.

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The material that was mainly used was straigth golden thread, very little spiral gold and happy nails alvesta very rare spun gold. So here we go. What do you like best about your entry. Servile, it is something fun and cool that I think is fun to share. And now you can see the same objects, that were here the first time. Also the graves with bodies only provide one female grave with posament troves Grab 557 that contained 8 pieces. Do you have any custodes or photocopies of ones from the Middle Ages. I'll have to do a separate blog entry on that I think. Posaments were mainly used as a male decoration or better as textile ornaments on happy nails alvesta clothing. Of the catalog, Brooklyn-based artist is one to pay el to. Of course, events can get a bit busy with all the other activities so I thought I'd share it here so I could easily share it with those who didn't get to see it. We wanted an album where every song is a great one, totally without fillers.

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Nekoj ženi tražiti muškarca može biti kao što i lov na neku. Uđite u očaravajući svet visokog društva u kome svi traže ljubav, odupiru se iskušenjima i izlaze na kraj sa dvorskim skandalima. Kako se postaje fatalna žena?

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Mnogi će misliti da ono što kažu uvijek privuče pozornost, umjesto da pričaju. Ipak, tu sve počinje u potrazi za. Zena trazi muskarca kad joj nešto nedostaje, da popuni svoje. Svaki bi trebao po nekim standardima koje postavi žena sviđati se ženi. Mora određene uvijete koji su bitni prilikom ili neke veze bilo da je stalna veza ili na jednu noć. Stalne veze su i traži se malo više od osobe, dok veze za jednu noć bitan samo sex i uživanje. Nekoj ženi tražiti muškarca može biti kao što i lov na neku. Treba se pripremiti sa svim da bi neki muškarac zagrizao mamac i upao u klopku. Bitno je da žena privuče da ga očara a kasnije da mu pruži neko koje on od nje očekujem. Žene i sex Za osvojiti postoji jedna jako bitna. To je ljepo , ljepo lice i ljepa osobnost kod. Moraju biti ugodne za neki i ugodne oko. Ima puno ljepih koje su ugodne oko ali fali im malo bontona i ljepog. A kod žena za osvajanje je malo drugačija formula. Ustvari to je formula koja se nemože riješiti jer je komplicirana, svaka žena ima neke svoje zahtjeve koji se moraju ispuniti. Ima puno načina kako zena trazi muskarca. Kad žena pronađe muškarca počinje jedna veza koja se temelji na nekim. U početku veze je sex najbolji i ženski je jako visok i je sretna jer dobiva puno ljubavi, pažnje. Ali onda nakon nekoliko godina veze, sva ta ljubav nekako nestane i stvara se nova dimenzija veze koja se mora održavati inaće će propasti. Znači što treba učiniti da bi se održala neka veza. Na to najviše utječu , mentalna i emocijonalna. Uz strpljenje ljubav i, možete poboljšati sve stvari u svom životu. Sve što trebate je znanje i želja za. Ljubav i veze Tko želi neke odgovore o orgazmima? Ako to ne želite sami ste si krivi. To je jedna od najpopularnijih tema među pretraživanjem. Zena trazi muskarca ili muskarac trazi zenu samo zbog jednog razloga, a to je sex. Ima puno stvari koje neznate o orgazmima, a mogu bite upitne za vašu vezu sa nekom osobom, ili stvoriti probleme koje ne zaslužujete. Prvo si morate postaviti neka. Dali žene imaju više orgazama tijekom sex-a od? Istina je da žene dožive s puno manje od muškaraca. Bez obzira što vam je neko rekao, žene uživaju u jednako kao i Dali žene maštaju o sex-u jednako kao muškarci? Žene ne o sex-u toliko često kao muškarci. Ima još puno pitanja koja su jako bitna u vezi. Mir i ljubav Savijeti za i za upoznavanje nisu samo za , oni su također kako riješiti neke probleme. To su neke koje žene i muškarci rade ali mi bi ih trebali ispraviti. Sve nas privlači neki i razne koje možemo postaviti za osobe koje nas. Zene traze muskarce i postavljaju razne zamke na koje muškarci nasijedaju. Ali i ženama vračaju istom mjerom ali na drugačiji način.

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